
Potty update

Okay this last week has been a blur! But I am happy to say that Crew is using the potty. He does not go in his underwear or his pull-up. He does his potty dance and we run to the potty. At first I think he thought we didn't want him to let it out at all :( Poor guy was holding it til he was just miserable, and screamed when he was going in the potty, but we seem to have moved past that stage now. He also wakes up at night and goes to the potty! This was something I was not prepared for since I still have to set my alarm every night for 1:30am to wake Kyntli up so she won't go in the bed. But he is a light sleeper like me and Kyntli is a hard sleeper like Noah. I still have to watch Crew. He isn't coming up to me and saying peepee, but he does his little dance right up to me. We even made a trip to the potty at Walmart yesterday. I'm gonna need some pointers on how to hold him on a big potty and get him to aim down. That was a HUGE mess, but he did avoid Mommy's clothes :) Overall, I am 100% pleased with the progress, and very proud of my Crew!!!

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